Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shit Happens ...

Read a great little article in todays METRO, tucked away at the bottom of page 20.

Shit happens as dog poo owners shamed by flags

"Health campaigners are trying to shame dog owners into cleaning up after their pets – by sticking flags in their poo.
The flags – with slogans such as '100 grammes – only 1.99' or 'This is Art' – have been produced by a Berlin-based pressure group called Shit Happens."

Brilliant!! A pressure group called Shit Happens - now that is what we need in the UK.

I'm off to make some little Union Jack flags to take down to my local park to start shaming a few owners.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Biffo the Bear ...

Parents today need to be having discussions with their kids, at an early age, about the dangers of the misuse of red rubber bands.

That way we can make sure that the next generation do not make the same mistakes we have made and ignore the warning signs.

I thought it might be useful to provide a tool that allows parents the opportunity to approach the subject with as little embarrassment as possible. A simple comic book story is sure to stimulate debate.
Now, with your child, take time to discuss whether Biffo the Bear has made the right choice to put a red rubber band on his head. Concentrate on the positives, praising your child when they identify that Biffo has needlessly endangered his life for a quick fix solution to his problems.
Red rubber bands are not something that only the rich & famous use - just say "No!" and together we can stop people looking as bloody stupid as Biffo.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Needless Discrimination

Airedale terriers are well known as a lovely, well behaved breed of dog.

Why, then, are they subjected to a very heavily ingrained type of discrimination? They are portrayed throughout the country as being responsible for mass fouling. An example of this discrimination can be seen above left.

If I discriminated like this against people on grounds of, for example, race, then nobody in the pub would speak to me, and rightly so!

I call upon local authorities to end this vile discrimination. Lets see some other dogs represented, after all, Rottweilers can really let a pile go if they so desire!

Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act

Not simply an anti-terrorist or serious crime piece of legislation. Well done to Derby City, Bolton, Gateshead and Hartlepool councils. This is what democracy is all about!

Big Brother Catches Them Curling One Out!

Wallowing in it

I recently visited my home village. How can we expect dog owners to continue being responsible when we have to tolerate lack of cleaning up activity leading to this.
Frankly, I almost wallowed in the contents!

Designer dog poo bags ...

Designer dog poo bags available from

With these bags there should be no excuse for not showing off what you have just collected from your dog, instead of hiding it away in a bin.
Don't you just love the Swiss for making a crap task "nice".

Friday, April 24, 2009

The Red Rubber Band ...

OK, OK I get the hint ...

For all those out there that have Emailed me about the group - The Red Rubber Band - I have included a link to their website

Just to make it crystal clear - they have absolutely nothing to do with dog fouling & red rubber bands & are in no way linked to this blog or dog faeces in anyway whatsoever.

Check out their music and you wont find a mention of dog fouling :-)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't ignore it, report it ...

There is a great website for reporting all sorts of problems in your area - dog fouling being one.

Check out - what a great idea. Have a look at the previously reported incidents for your Local Authority area and see what your council have done about them.

I used to think that the biggest problems on our streets was dog fouling & red rubber bands - but this website has opened my eyes to some of the other dangers on our streets - chewing gum stuck to pavement, bubbles in the tarmac, incomplete yellow lines - it just goes on and on.

I'm off to look for an example of dog fouling on a pavement with bubbles, by a patch of chewing gum, marked with a discarded red rubber band in a road with faded yellow lines.

Excellent stuff ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dog Poop Catcher ...

This is all the rage in the fashionable areas of USA & I think it could really catch on in the UK with the right marketing.
The type of plastic bag you use says so much about you as a dog owner.
I for one would only use Waitrose plastic bags.
Dragons Den here I come ...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Go for it ...

Many thanks to our friends at who sent me details of three anti-dog fouling posters that can be ordered from their website.

Why not buy a dozen of each and get your campaign off to a flying start - ask your local shops if they can put one up in their window, or how about in the doctors waiting room? - sure to spark some healthy debate amongst those waiting.

Also consider your works canteen noticeboard - how about a works sponsored dog faeces collection day? Involve your work colleagues in the cause.

I've suggested that my local primary school do a colouring competition amongst the kids - a multi coloured dog faeces poster is a sure fire winner to involve the whole family.

The possibilities are endless.

On another note - the EnCams website is full of useful information and should be your first port of call for all things related to dog fouling.

Interestingly, they also have a news section dedicated to red rubber bands. - Red Rubber Bands

Keep up the good work EnCams.

Incident outside my house...

I was mowing the lawn when a gentleman, who looked a bit "handy" walked his dog past. I saw two youngsters with another dog on the other side of the road. Their dog defecated outside a neighbour's drive. The gentleman produced a carrier bag and intimidated the boy into clearing up the faeces.

It has now hit my street!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Britains most wanted - Postman Pat ...

God - we even let our kids watch this "dealer in death".
What kind of sick world do we live in where children can watch the glamorisation of red rubber bands ?!?!

Slovakian TV advert ...

I feel the tide is turning - I've just been sent this advert from a fellow campaigner against dog fouling in Slovakia, where this advert receives prime time viewing.

Come on UK Government - surely a public information film is on the books now ??

Saturday, April 18, 2009

No messing ...

I, too, have been saving people.

Red rubber bands are a menace. There was even one left in my mother's driveway. What is wrong with the world?

Incidentally, I think this is a truly excellent anti-fouling sign. What do others think?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Stretching my patience ...

I read an interesting article recently about a woman who is terrified to go outdoors. Not because of the problems with dog fouling (!) in this country - rather she is afraid of the other menace on our streets - red rubber bands.

This isn't a joke. She suffers from a latex allergy, meaning she goes into anaphylactic shock when coming into contact with these innocent looking bands, either in the street or wrapped around her mail.

It basically means that she takes her life in her hands just walking to the corner shop - one touch of a red rubber band and she is history.

So I was relieved to read an article by the Radio 4 DJ Eddie Mair where he asks his listeners to post any red rubber bands they find to him at BBC News Centre.

So forget saving a life by giving a pint of blood every few months - pick up a red rubber band today, send it to the BBC and save a life.

Think how many lives you could save just going out for a stroll ?

I've saved 3 people today without even trying.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Budapest TV Advert ...

Straight to the point and not a dog in sight.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The problem is worldwide ...

The Spanish authorities are using TV adverts to persuade their dog owners to clean up.

Good on you Penge & Cator Councillors ...

Penge and Cator Councillors and their dog fouling consultation

The war has started.

Stamp it out ...

Dog fouling is consistently one of the highest sources of complaints by the public to MPs, local councillors and local authorities. Estimates put the UK dog population between 6.5 and 7.4 million - thats 1,000 tonnes of faeces hitting the streets of the UK every day!!!
And yet it never appears as a priority for any public authority - council, police or government.
With your help this can change and dog fouling can be elevated to its rightful importance from being a No: 2.

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