Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Snow Again!

Our avid readers will be aware that snow has played a front line role in encouraging owners not to clean up. Indeed, my own garden was fouled, see here.

A similar incident was captured on film in Bridgton Maine, USA. Here, we see a neighbour (I assume) allowing his/her dog to wander into the victim's garden and leave a steaming deposit.

When this happened to me, I forgave the dog and owner and simply cleaned up. The snow makes it easier, it freezes the deposit, rendering the task easier and removes the likelihood of a gag reaction as the stench is also suppressed.

It could be said that snow and dog fouling go together like a hammer and a toilet!

I leave it to the reader/viewer to decide. Is this funny?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Does This Man Clear Up?

I ask because he seems to have been a target. He has a dog...another coincidence? I wonder! Why him? Why has somebody chosen to leave a festering bag of dog excrement outside his door rather than the front door of his neighbour?
If it were a joke, then why isn't the bag on fire?

I think the message is clear; "pick up or prepare for some through the letter box!"

Teaches respect!

Friday, May 25, 2012

A Teenager Battles The Red Rubber Band Menace!

This report had slipped through the net but better late than never!

Hats off to teenager Georgia Carter, who has taken the fight to the streets of Watford. Georgia went out and picked up a load of red rubber bands only to find more in their place in the following days. Concerned for the effect the discarded bands have on the environment, Georgia has decided to research the topic in school for her citizenship studies and raise awareness of the issue - in a bid to combat the problem.

Not content with her own efforts, she has brought her 5 year old sister into the battle: “During the weekend, I went out for a walk with my five-year-old sister and came across 57 rubber bands strewn across the pavement, some in heaps of five and more". This is enough to scar a teenager for life. I thought we had it tough in the seventies but having to cope with red rubber bands on the pavement is just a step too far!

The comments following the article include a lot of support and an observation from a disgruntled former employee.

Just as it looked like the topic had gone cold, we see a resurgence of interest!

Article here.

While on the topic, if you think we're obsessed here, have a look at this gallery of red rubber band pictures. If these people were Premiership, we would be in the Conference League! Pictures here.

The battle is still on!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Innovative Uses for Dog Excrement

Here at Dog Fouling and Red Rubber Bands, we have seen many suggested uses for dog excrement. That said, the young people making this video/sound recording have taken the idea to a completely new level!

I wonder why the sales person hung up?

Stick with this, it gets there in the end!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Crufts Dog Show blunder

This is just for fun and shows that even the experts get caught out sometimes!

"It was a good run to"


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It Stinks!!!!!!

So declares Bradford Metropolitan District Council!

This video is one of the better produced so far. It has faeces, it has dogs and it has wardens.

It also makes that vital point about dog excrement - "it stinks"! Thank goodness we have a local authority to tell us this. Without such guidance from civic leaders, I would have carried on imagining that dog excrement is a truly pleasant substance laced with rose water!

We also see evidence of how dog fouling has created employment. Without dog excrement everywhere, the wardens would be out of work.

Just enjoy this video as a work of art!


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bob Marley Eat Your Heart Out!!

I've never met "MyTightHead" but I like the fellow already!

It has been observed that my fellow blogger and I have too much time on our hands and that this blog is evidence of that fact.

Well, if we have too much spare time, what about the fellow, who produced this song?

It is meaningful and takes me back to discos in the seventies, when Bob Marley was all the rage!

I can't really say much more. Just sit back and enjoy the music!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Alley and More Violence

Once again, we see issues relating to an alley and we see violence (or threat thereof!).
As reported by the Cambrian News, a DOLGELLAU couple have taken matters into their own hands to tackle the increasing problem of dog mess outside their house. Martyn and Jean Gardner of Bwthyn yr Arran, Wenallt said that last week they left their house to discover a large pile of dog mess in front of their gate. Mr Gardner has now put his own sign up outside his property warning people not to let their dogs foul there, and he is going to take photographs of any culprits.

We see a recurring theme of dog excrement photographed in situ. This is enough to make anybody think twice about their actions (?).

The newspaper reports that Mr Gardner will be taking photographs of anyone offending in what he calls "dog sh*t alley" (variation on a theme again!) but his sign appears to start "If I catch... and ends with "watch out" or at least that's how I read it. This is a little more threatening than "I'm going to take a photograph".

We've all woken up to a streaming pile outside our gate but, unlike Martyn above, I have never felt the urge to get up close and personal with it. I certainly wouldn't adopt a prayer like position. Then again, it affects us all differently!

Full article here.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Lets get the perp !!

I appreciate that some people think its funny watching people "loose it" over dog fouling - I like a laugh just as much as the next man - but sometimes dog fouling can push some people too far and then someone gets hurt ...

Take a look at this man.

Doesn't look much does he? 

But he is the #1 suspect for a recent assault that took place in Rustington, West Sussex, UK where a dispute over dog fouling boiled over into violence.

In the early evening a 48 year old local man witnessed the suspect's golden retriever leaving a deposit on the pavement. Being the good citizen that he was, he asked the suspect to clean up after his dog. The suspect refused and a heated argument started, during which the suspect pushed the victim over, breaking his ankle.

The suspect is described as a white, aged about 65, 5' 6' to 5' 8' of stocky build with a distinctive white pointed goatee beard and wearing a baseball cap, a green bomber jacket with blue jogging bottoms with white stripes down the sides and trainers.

PC Stuart McAdams from Sussex Police said, "Someone must know who this man is as he is very distinctive". Anyone who saw what happened or has any information as to who this man is should contact Sussex Police on 0845 60 70 999 quoting serial 1344.

Come on Dog Fouling & Red Rubber Band followers - spread the word and lets get this man for Sussex Police !! :-)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

I Love A Reasoned, Calm Debate....

...but there's none of that here!

From the views exchanged, I get the impression that the lady on camera believes that the dog belonging to the gentleman on camera and the lady off camera has defecated on her part of the lawn.

From what is said it appears that the lady on camera has not complained but has  bypassed that part of the interaction and smeared faeces on the door of the other two people, who insist that the faeces have come from another dog.

I apologise for the language used but must say that, if you want to sharpen up your debating skills, this isn't the video for you!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Follow Up Report

Here at Dog Fouling and Red Rubber Bands HQ we like to deliver follow up reports when appropriate. Our thanks go again to Julian, our South London/North Kent operative for bringing this to our attention.

Our loyal followers will remember the case of poo alley in Bromley. At that time, councillor Colin Smith scared us immensely with threats of hard hitting posters. Well, Colin surpassed himself. The council has called in XFOR, their website explains all about them.

Now the previous council enforcement officers were known locally by the affectionate nickname "BUFS". This stood for "Big Ugly Fellows", although I would not personally call them ugly and the "F" might have meant something else. It appears from the article below that they issued 13 tickets for dog fouling in a year. That's what I call value for money!

This now brings us onto other issues. The article below indicates that, with XFOR, there will be no reduction in fines for early payment. The council wishes to pay for the scheme by self financing through fines. For that I feel you can read "make money".

Now I thoroughly object to dog fouling and have no sympathy with offenders but would observe and ask the following. These enforcement officers have no power to detain and no power to demand personal details. The more enlightened and aggressive will simply advise them to go away. This begs the question how will money be made when the target group simply advises the enforcement staff to have a nice day? I wonder, therefore, what will be the criteria for deployment? I greatly fear that the target will be the vicar's wife as her poodle loses control in the park rather than the aggressive yob with the aggressive dog or the older, worldly wise person.

I will email Cllr Smith and ask what the deployment criteria will be.

See the article below or read it here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

CCTV, Vehicle Crime and Dog Fouling

Now we all know that CCTV is there to help in the fight against crime. Vehicle crime is a particular evil and CCTV has led to many successes against criminals, who operate in this arena.

That said, who would have thought that CCTV could help to deal with vehicle crime and dog fouling? Well, it has happened!

In the video below, we see a young lady walking her dog. She keeps the dog on a small area of grass until it defecates. She then does the right thing and cleans up.

Things then go awry. The video shows that there is a lack of bins in the street. What then is the most obvious thing to do? Simple, throw the bag of excrement into a parked car; and why not!?

This crass act of criminal damage is somewhat perplexing. I can only assume that the fine for not cleaning up exceeds the penalty for criminal damage to a car. Further argument for removing dog fouling from the statute books? I don't know but will always make sure my car windows are shut when I park up!

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