Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pavement Fouling - Now It's Personal

As you will all be aware, I have campaigned vigorously on this site. I am doing this for the benefit of the whole of the country, if not the world. Let me be very clear, I don't get anything for doing this. Campaigning in this way does not constitute paid employment. I do it out of a sense of moral and civic duty.

I can only assume that this is why I have been targeted in such a vile manner. The picture above is of my drive where it joins with the pavement. I returned home late yesterday evening. Thankfully, there is a nearby streetlight. On the pavement, directly outside my drive as shown above, I fortunately spotted two hideous lumps of dog excrement. Although it looks like three, take it from me, the "lump" to the right of the picture is, in fact, a slug.

This cannot be coincidence. It is very clear that somebody has seen this blog, identified me and made a statement by causing their dog to defecate outside my drive, clearly in the hope that I would trail it indoors.

They failed, I spotted it! This will not put me off. Having become a victim, I am now even more determined to fight on.

All I can do is ask that you support me and my fellow blogger, we will not be deterred!!!!


Peter Arronsen at 20 Sept 2010, 22:51:00 said...

I understand how you feel but violence can never be the answer. I prefer to knock on the doors or ring the bells of the perpetrators and then run away. Then, write to them explaining why it happened.

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