Friday, April 20, 2012

It's A Fair Cop - On Both Sides!

Here we have a different take on a familiar theme.

Normally, we see the dog owner denying responsibility for dog fouling and stating that he/she would always clean up.

Here we have a situation, where the owner accepts that the dog has fouled the neighbour's lawn for years.

We also see dog excrement being dropped in a neighbour's garden but this time, it appears, with a degree of justification.

Lastly, we have the use of CCTV, a major theme on this blog.

So, as opposed to having CCTV to catch an inconsiderate owner, who allows the dog to foul the neighbour's land, we have CCTV capturing a frustrated neighbour returning excrement to a self confessed offender. An interesting variation on a theme.

I must say, I like the way the neighbour makes a trail of the dog mess along the path. He also cleans the shovel on the offending owner's grass in a way that is worthy of comment.

Next time, it's the letter box!


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