Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dog Poo or Young People? Ask Melissa!

Here on this blog, we have frequently mused on how dog fouling is the primary concern, which blights the lives of citizens the world over.

This theme has not been lost on Melissa Knight. Melissa is a youth worker in Sydenham and Forest Hill in the London Borough of Lewisham. She has spotted that crime and a lack of opportunities for young people do not make it onto the agenda. She observes that she speaks to adults in an attempt to encourage them to donate £2 per month to help to create opportunities for young people yet all adults talk about on the street or at meetings is dog poo.

By way of protest, Melissa eats dog poo in the middle of Mayo Park. Somehow, I feel this is a spoof but it still causes that slight twitch in the throat as the gag reflex takes over.

Thank you, Melissa, you've once again brought to our attention the fact that dog fouling is foremost on the minds of British adults! Well done, Melissa, next time take it further, let's see you in swimwear smeared from head to foot!

News Shopper report here.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm the star of this show!! Thanks for the thank-you! It has made an impact and we've had new members sign up to our £2 a month scheme! Raising our total monthly donations to nearly £30 a month! We're aiming for £400 a month by December 2011.

The thing is, dog poo is an issue but the amount of resources that go into stopping it, we as a community might as well get on down and pick it up ourselves!!! Then spend the money on our young people. Especially in this time of recession, where many of the youngsters are losing their clubs and services!

Melissa Knight
youth worker who goes above the call of duty but also stoops so very, very low!

Peter Arronsen said...


Thank you for your commitment to the cause!

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